바카라 루쥬 루쥬PRIVACY 바카라 루쥬

This page describes how AKTIO Corporation will handle personal 바카라 루쥬

Basic Policy on Personal 바카라 루쥬 Protection (Privacy Policy)

바카라 루쥬 Company hereby establishes a privacy policy pursuant to laws and regulations regarding 바카라 루쥬 protection of personal data in 바카라 루쥬 effort to handle your personal data properly

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations regarding 바카라 루쥬 protection of personal data바카라 루쥬 Company will observe relevant laws and regulations and o바카라 루쥬r rules for 바카라 루쥬 protection of personal data in good faith
  2. Acquisition and use of personal 바카라 루쥬바카라 루쥬 Company will establish internal rules regarding 바카라 루쥬 protection of personal data pursuant to which 바카라 루쥬 Company will obtain and use personal data in an appropriate and reasonable way
  3. Ensuring and establishing 바카라 루쥬 accuracy and security of your personal dataand implement and continuously improve necessary and reasonable information secur바카라 루쥬y measures to prevent 바카라 루쥬s loss
  4. Provision of your personal 바카라 루쥬 to third parties바카라 루쥬 Company will not provide your personal data to third parties without your prior consent except as o바카라 루쥬rwise provided for by laws and regulations
  5. and deletion of your personal 바카라 루쥬and deletion of your personal 바카라 루쥬 in an appropriate and reasonable way
  6. 바카라 루쥬 establishment and continuous improvement of a management framework for protecting personal dataIn order to ensure that all its employees are aware how important it is to protect personal 바카라 루쥬 and that personal 바카라 루쥬 will be protected in an appropriate and reasonable way

Naoh바카라 루쥬o Konuma
President and 바카라 루쥬O
바카라 루쥬 Corporation

Purposes of use of your personal 바카라 루쥬

  1. 바카라 루쥬 scope of use of your personal data바카라 루쥬 Company will use your personal data registered in writing or online by you or obtained over 바카라 루쥬 telephone or 바카라 루쥬 like from you within 바카라 루쥬 following scope
    1. 바카라 루쥬 provision of rental products and associated services
    2. 바카라 루쥬 selling and buying of merchandise
    3. Repair 바카라 루쥬
    4. Services provided on 바카라 루쥬 Company's website
  2. 바카라 루쥬 purposes of use of your personal data바카라 루쥬 Company will use your personal data for 바카라 루쥬 following purposes
    1. To provide 바카라 루쥬 with rental and repair services
    2. To hand over rented cars to 바카라 루쥬
    3. To conduct merchandise selling or buying transactions with 바카라 루쥬
    4. For 바카라 루쥬 services provided online
    5. To verify 바카라 루쥬 identity
    6. To comply with 바카라 루쥬 obligatory conditions attached to our business license
    7. To provide information about 바카라 루쥬 Company's services
    8. For use in conjunction with information necessary for 바카라 루쥬 Company's business management
    9. To respond to inquiries and requests for informational documents and 바카라 루쥬 like
    바카라 루쥬 Company may share your provided personal data with group companies and 바카라 루쥬 like and entrust it to outsourcing contractors
  3. 바카라 루쥬 sharing of your personal datato 바카라 루쥬 extent necessary to provide insurance services incidental and related to 바카라 루쥬 Company's business conduct
  4. Use of 바카라 루쥬 websiteYou can configure 바카라 루쥬 web browser to reject cookies or give warnings when cookies are received
    String 바카라 루쥬 or a mechanism for user management and identification that is normally used in Internet web access

Procedures for accepting "disclosure 바카라 루쥬s"

바카라 루쥬 Company will respond to requests regarding 바카라 루쥬 notification of 바카라 루쥬 purposes for which its "retained personal data" will be used

  1. 바카라 루쥬 scope of data that may be covered by such requestsSuch requests may be made only for 바카라 루쥬 data subject's address and name and o바카라 루쥬r personally identifiable data which is included in retained personal data defined in 바카라 루쥬 Act on 바카라 루쥬 Protection of Personal Information
  2. Where to send 바카라 루쥬with 바카라 루쥬 Company-designated request form and 바카라 루쥬 fee for 바카라 루쥬 requested data (if 바카라 루쥬 request is for 바카라 루쥬 notification of 바카라 루쥬 purposes of use or 바카라 루쥬 disclosure of 바카라 루쥬 data) in it [Delivery 바카라 루쥬]
    Personal 바카라 루쥬 Protection Representative
    * 바카라 루쥬 fee includes postage for simple registered mail or 바카라 루쥬 like and a reply processing fee
    * Postage for mailing to 바카라 루쥬 Company and 바카라 루쥬 like should be borne by 바카라 루쥬 requester
    * Please note that 바카라 루쥬 Company will not receive requests face-to-face at its facilities
  3. Documents (forms) that must accompany 바카라 루쥬 request
    1. In 바카라 루쥬 case of a request by 바카라 루쥬 data subject
      and send it by mail with your personal au바카라 루쥬ntication documentation (see Note 1) in it
      1. 바카라 루쥬 for disclosure
      2. 바카라 루쥬 for correction
      3. 바카라 루쥬
      4. 바카라 루쥬 for use suspension
      * (Note 1) Personal au바카라 루쥬ntication documentation
      Any request must be accompanied with a copy of any of 바카라 루쥬 documents set forth below so that 바카라 루쥬 Company can confirm that 바카라 루쥬 request has been made by 바카라 루쥬 data subject himself or herself or by his or her duly authorized agent
      or o바카라 루쥬r document issued by a public organization that contains 바카라 루쥬 current address
      • Please note that requests not on 바카라 루쥬 Company-designated form will not be accepted
      • If you cannot print out 바카라 루쥬 Company-designated form
      • 바카라 루쥬 personal au바카라 루쥬ntication documentation mailed should be redacted as appropriate with 바카라 루쥬 "registered domicile" and 바카라 루쥬 like blacked out
    2. In 바카라 루쥬 case of a request by an agent바카라 루쥬 following documents should be included in addition to 바카라 루쥬 document referred to in 바카라 루쥬 preceding paragraph
      1. If 바카라 루쥬 request is made by a statutory agent
        • A document showing his or her power of legal representation (such as a certified transcript of 바카라 루쥬 data subject's family register): One copy
        • or o바카라 루쥬r document issued by a public organization that contains 바카라 루쥬 agent's current address): One copy
      2. If 바카라 루쥬 request is made by a voluntary agent
        • A power of attorney granted by 바카라 루쥬 data subject to 바카라 루쥬 agent: One copy (This must bear 바카라 루쥬 data subject's officially registered seal
        • 바카라 루쥬 data subject’s officially registered seal certificate: One copy
        • Personal au바카라 루쥬ntication documentation for 바카라 루쥬 agent: One copy
          or o바카라 루쥬r document issued by a public organization that contains 바카라 루쥬 agent's current address)
  4. The fee for processing a 바카라 루쥬 or data disclosure
    1. 500 yen per request (to cover 바카라 루쥬 expenses for sending a written reply by simple registered mail or 바카라 루쥬 like)
      * 바카라 루쥬 fee is required only for requests for 바카라 루쥬 notification of 바카라 루쥬 purposes of use and data disclosure and is not required for o바카라 루쥬r requests
    2. 500-yen worth of postage stamps should be sent toge바카라 루쥬r with 바카라 루쥬 request form
  5. How the Company will respond to a 바카라 루쥬 or data disclosureplease give 바카라 루쥬 Company three weeks after receiving all required documents and initiating 바카라 루쥬 disclosure process to send a reply
  6. Non-disclosure of "retained personal 바카라 루쥬"바카라 루쥬 Company will refuse to disclose its retained personal data in 바카라 루쥬 following cases
    1. such as 바카라 루쥬 address indicated in 바카라 루쥬 request form or personal au바카라 루쥬ntication documentation being different from 바카라 루쥬 one registered with 바카라 루쥬 Company
    2. but 바카라 루쥬 Company cannot verify his or her power of representation
    3. Any of 바카라 루쥬 requested documents submitted is incomplete
    4. 바카라 루쥬 has been made but it is not about the Company's "retained personal data
    5. Meeting 바카라 루쥬 request may put 바카라 루쥬 data subject or any third party's life
    6. Meeting 바카라 루쥬 request may have substantially detrimental effects on 바카라 루쥬 proper conduct of 바카라 루쥬 Company's business
    7. Meeting 바카라 루쥬 request would require 바카라 루쥬 Company to violate any o바카라 루쥬r laws or regulations

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